How will NFTs impact marketers in 2022?
Salta explores with a holiday campaign for clients and friends.
The Creative First Agency gifted clients Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs ) … as “tokens” of appreciation to close out 2021
Each NFT serves as a bookmark to NFT-related materials of interest for marketers
Silver Spring MD January 13th 2022 –

Salta With Us, a Washington, D.C. Metro agency, launched a holiday campaign to help marketing executives and agency creatives understand why NFT technology is about to rock their world.
“This is a very cool space that offers great opportunities for brands to be disruptive, and quite honestly, we want to work on it!” says Alfonso Cuesta, Creative Director and Co-Founder, Salta With Us.
The NFT Guide for Marketers and the NFTs Salta created as part of the campaign were intended to pique curiosity and provide a tool for marketing and advertising professionals to get started on their NFT journey.
NFT has become the acronym of our time (With permission from “COVID”) and as curious creatures, most marketers probably already know it stands for “Non-Fungible Token” and have read about NFT-Art being sold for exorbitant sums of money. Some will be aware of the significant incursions brands like Taco Bell, Adidas, or Nike have made into the NFT space. The vast majority probably suspect that NFTs and the technology making them possible, will have implications for the marketing industry, but they most likely don’t know yet exactly how, when, or why.
Salta launched this campaign as the first step to demystify a new technology by inviting people to see it—not just read about it—but experience it. That is why the holiday e-card was a personalized NFT video thanking the client for a great 2021. The agency sent them a token of appreciation to their client, only this token was of the Non-Fungible kind.

Adding a coat of creativity to the use of the NF, showcases one way in which NFTs can become integral portions of advertising campaigns. The NFT Guide for Marketers, and resources Salta is already preparing, are examples of how value can be provided to consumers.
“We are truly excited about this technology,” Cuesta says. “We hope all the educational work we do will turn into fun client projects. We want to inform in an honest way by separating la lana de la paja (the wool from the straw). To do that, we need to make sure we are transparent about NFTs, helping marketers understand it’s not just the buzzword of the moment but also an opportunity for them to do effective branding campaigns, fundraising or promotional actions. That’s why we started a small resource center at where we will be adding content as we develop it.”
As an agency of tree huggers focused on doing “great work for good people” (Salta’s official motto), sustainability is a huge consideration. That is the reason the agency decided to operate in the NFTrade marketplace, a platform committed to sustainability using the Avalanche (AVAX) network with its minuscule carbon footprint.
The NFT holiday campaign reflects the innovative and creative spirit of Salta With Us and its commitment to exploring new technologies as a way of helping organizations engage their audiences in new and surprising ways. And do so by not only saying, but also showcasing the way. For some marketers, social media is still a relatively new channel they don’t yet fully understand. We feel NFTs are at the center of the web 3.0, a revolution in communications, much like Facebook was 15 years ago, and we want to help them start paying attention to what is coming.
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